The Pegasus Awards

Mark Mandel



Pegasus Nominations

Year Category Collaboration Song
2000 Best Food/Drink Song w/ Frank Hayes Little Fuzzy Vegetables
Mark Mandel is a '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, and '00s folkie. He has been a filker most of that time, but didn't know it till Lois Mangan got him in her sights in the early 90s. She has much to answer for. Since then he has been active in M.A.S.S.F.I.L.C. and was for a number of years section head or assistant head of filking at Arisia. He is also a regular attendee at Boskone. He is the Interfilk guest at Consonance 2003. Since September 2002 he has been working in Philadelphia and perforce less active in New England fanac, but nothing has ever yet stopped him from filking; he remains active on the newsgroup and is on the concomm of ConCertino 2003. Many of his filk songs can be found on his filk page.


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