The Pegasus Awards

1984 Nominees


Best Original Filk Song
Daddy's Little Girl Julia Ecklar
Darkness Jordin Kare
Hope Eyrie Leslie Fish
Horsetamer's Daughter Leslie Fish
Mary O'Meara Poul Anderson & Anne Passovoy
Best Male Filksinger
Robin Bailey
Clif Flynt
Jordin Kare
Bill Maraschiello
Bill Roper
Best Female Filksinger
Juanita Coulson
Julia Ecklar
Leslie Fish
Diana Gallagher
Cynthia McQuillin
Best Parody
The Bureaucrat's Hymn Jordin Kare
Fool to Feed the Drive Jordin Kare
Memorandum Anne Passovoy
Nick Van Rijn Robin Bailey & Lee
Twelve Years at Worldcon Frank Hayes
Best Humorous Filksong
Banned from Argo Leslie Fish
The Designer Jordin Kare
Beware of the Sentient Chili Chris Weber
Unreality Warp Clif Flynt
A Reconsideration of Anatomical Docking Maneuvers in a Zero-G Environment Diana Gallagher
Thanks to Van Siegling for providing us with the Final Ballot information!! He's also provided us with a scan of the 1984 Final Ballot!


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