The Pegasus Awards

2002 Nominees

Best Filk Song
A Thousand Ships Katy Dröge and Juliane Honisch
The Lady Jodi Krangle
Red Roses Erica Neely
Solar Gypsy Diana Huey
Velvet Talis Kimberley
Best Performer
Echo's Children
Katy Dröge and Juliane Honisch
Scott Snyder
Three Weird Sisters
Best Writer/Composer
Terence Chua
Juliane Honisch
Gwen Knighton
Zander Nyrond
Dave Weingart
Best Chilling/Spine-Tingling Song
Carrion Talis Kimberley
The Dark Man Paul Kwinn
Hellraiser Tom Smith
The Hunter Mich Sampson
In A Gown Too Blue Brenda Sutton
Best Song That Tells A Story
Captain Jack and the Mermaid Meg Davis
Horsetamers Daughter Leslie Fish
Shai! Steve Simmons and Steve Macdonald
Song of Fey Cross Gwen Knighton
Stray Dog Man Bill Sutton


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