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Best Tragic Song Ideas | Best Comedy Song Ideas | Composer's Picks
These are the titles/attributions as they were given to us; please feel free to email us at with any corrections or duplications!
Sorted by Song Title | Sorted by Composer
Song |
Composer |
Accolytes of the Machine | Crowell, Mary |
Annie's Luck | Faber, Cat |
Archetype Café | Kimberley, Talis |
At The Con | Possible Oscar |
Avatar | Urban, Susan |
Barrayaran Roses | O'Brien, Maureen |
Black Operations | Hoffman, W. Randy |
Boundless | Hodgetts, Blake |
christians and pagans | Dockrey, Michelle |
Circle of One | Conway, Chris |
Come, My Lady | Alexander, Heather (Adams, Alexander James) |
Continental Divide | McGuire, Seanan |
ConValescence | Smith, Tom |
Crystal Dance | Roper, Bill |
Das Uber Tuber | Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam |
Dead Again | Smith, Tom |
Death Danced At My Party | Kimberley, Talis |
Die Puppen (The Dolls) | Van-Daele Hunt, Eva |
Die Quelle / Cold Water Spring | Ilisch, Maja (Thesilèe) |
Don't Ask, Don't Tell | Shaddyr |
Dreamers | Brown, Carolyn |
Evil Laugh | McGuire, Seanan |
Feynman's Coffee | Mann, Jordan |
Filkers Bardic Ring | Kirby, Larry |
Flame Jockey | Glover, Richard |
Fly Little Bird | McGuire, Seanan |
Gabriel Gray's Song | Wittenberg, Batya |
Get Down Mama | Crowell, Mary |
Glass Half Full of the Sea | Newman, Benjamin |
Here Be Cartographers | Newman, Benjamin |
Here To You | Neely, Erica |
High Desert | Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya |
Home Is Wherever | Passovoy, Anne |
Homecoming | Ohi, Debbie |
I Am Stardust | Landa, Lloyd |
I Meant to Do That | Faber, Cat |
I Pop Pills | Bucklin, Nate |
I Walk the Road | Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) |
Inherit the Heavens | FilkFerret |
Just Beyond | Sampson, Mich |
Laddie, Are You Workin'? | Alexander, Heather (Adams, Alexander James) |
Like Their Feet Have Wings | Knighton, Gwen |
Lost Girls Pirate Academy Alma Mater | Tucker, S.J. |
Manhattan Sleeps | Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya |
Many Hearts, One Voice | Macdonald, Steve |
Mary | Alway, Peter |
May Queen | Dale, Heather |
Midnight Girl | Roper, Bill |
Minstrels of the Night | FilkFerret |
Morgan Le Faye-Song | Dröge, Katy / Honisch, Juliane |
My Love Is Like the Moon | Hodgetts, Blake |
Nessie, Come Up | Robinson, Dr. J. |
One Little Trip | Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) |
One of Us | Dale, Heather |
One Small Boat | Valtazanou, Marilisa |
Paper Moon | McGuire, Seanan |
Paper Wings | Savitsky, Steve |
Paper Worlds | Kimberley, Talis |
Pathfinders | Coulson, Juanita |
Perilous Garde | Klover, Kristoph |
persephone | Dockrey, Michelle |
Persian Rose | Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya |
Pictures In The Air | Sampson, Mich |
Plesiosaurnithology | Robinson, Dr. J. |
Pulp Heroes | Chua, Terrance |
Rain on Berlin | Van-Daele Hunt, Eva |
Road to Santiago | Dale, Heather |
Ruby Wine | McQuillin, Cynthia |
Sailin' With Captain Morgan | Scheeler, John (Boogie Knights) |
Sealskin Jacket | Jennings, Tim |
Second-Hand Songs | Turner, Jonathan |
Sedna | Dale, Heather |
Ship of Stone | Simpson, Don |
Six-string Love | Dockrey, Michelle / Fabris, Tony |
Skullcrusher Mountain | Coulton, Jonathan |
Small Designs | Childs-Helton, Barry |
Solar Flare | Baardman, Sam |
Some Believe | Crowell, Mary |
Space Tourist | Hoffman, W. Randy |
Spiral Dance (aka The Song That Weaves the Generations Through) | Prather, Anne |
Starseed (Dust on the Wind) | Newman, Benjamin |
Starsoul | Krangle, Jodi / Burton-West, Roger |
Stepmother | Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) |
Still Alive | Coulton, Jonathan |
Still Beautiful | Aryana |
Still Catch the Tide | Kimberley, Talis |
Stop Playing Ose or I'll Kill You | Kwinn, Paul |
Swansong | Katz, Dana (persefone_il on LJ) |
Sycamore Tree | McGuire, Seanan |
Take It Back | Sloan, Kathleen |
Talk Like a Pirate Day | Smith, Tom |
Tapioca Song | Sloman, Allegra |
Teenage Popsicle Girl | Roper, Bill |
The Black Death | McGuire, Seanan |
The Highwayman | Newman, Benjamin |
The New D&D | Bliss, Amelia |
The Seven | Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) |
Thirteen | Vixy & Tony |
To the West | Hussey, Leigh Ann |
Uplift | Eigel, Andrew |
Vow | Zieger, Darren |
What A Ninja's Gotta Do | Tucker, S.J. |
Where the Magic is Real | Kwinn, Paul |
Will Ye Come Back Home? | Richards, Mike |
Wolflove | Honisch, Juliane |
Wonder | Conway, Chris |
Wreck of the Crash of the Easthill Mining Disaster | Lunderville, Brooke |
Composer |
Song |
Alexander, Heather (Adams, Alexander James) | Come, My Lady |
Alexander, Heather (Adams, Alexander James) | Laddie, Are You Workin'? |
Alway, Peter | Mary |
Aryana | Still Beautiful |
Baardman, Sam | Solar Flare |
Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam | Das Uber Tuber |
Bliss, Amelia | The New D&D |
Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya | High Desert |
Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya | Manhattan Sleeps |
Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya | Persian Rose |
Brown, Carolyn | Dreamers |
Bucklin, Nate | I Pop Pills |
Childs-Helton, Barry | Small Designs |
Chua, Terrance | Pulp Heroes |
Conway, Chris | Circle of One |
Conway, Chris | Wonder |
Coulson, Juanita | Pathfinders |
Coulton, Jonathan | Skullcrusher Mountain |
Coulton, Jonathan | Still Alive |
Crowell, Dr. Mary | Accolytes of the Machine |
Crowell, Dr. Mary | Get Down Mama |
Crowell, Dr. Mary | Some Believe |
Dale, Heather | May Queen |
Dale, Heather | One of Us |
Dale, Heather | Road to Santiago |
Dale, Heather | Sedna |
Dockrey, Michelle | christians and pagans |
Dockrey, Michelle | persephone |
Dockrey, Michelle / Fabris, Tony | Six-string Love |
Dröge, Katy / Honisch, Juliane | Morgan Le Faye-Song |
Eigel, Andrew | Uplift |
Faber, Cat | Annie's Luck |
Faber, Cat | I Meant to Do That |
FilkFerret | Inherit the Heavens |
FilkFerret | Minstrels of the Night |
Glover, Richard | Flame Jockey |
Hodgetts, Blake | Boundless |
Hodgetts, Blake | My Love Is Like the Moon |
Hoffman, W. Randy | Black Operations |
Hoffman, W. Randy | Space Tourist |
Honisch, Juliane | Wolflove |
Hussey, Leigh Ann | To the West |
Ilisch, Maja (Thesilèe) | Die Quelle / Cold Water Spring |
Jennings, Tim | Sealskin Jacket |
Katz, Dana (persefone_il on LJ) | Swansong |
Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) | I Walk the Road |
Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) | One Little Trip |
Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) | Stepmother |
Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) | The Seven |
Kimberley, Talis | Archetype Café |
Kimberley, Talis | Death Danced At My Party |
Kimberley, Talis | Paper Worlds |
Kimberley, Talis | Still Catch the Tide |
Kirby, Larry | Filkers Bardic Ring |
Klover, Kristoph | Perilous Garde |
Knighton, Gwen | Like Their Feet Have Wings |
Krangle, Jodi / Burton-West, Roger | Starsoul |
Kwinn, Paul | Stop Playing Ose or I'll Kill You |
Kwinn, Paul | Where the Magic is Real |
Landa, Lloyd | I Am Stardust |
Lunderville, Brooke | Wreck of the Crash of the Easthill Mining Disaster |
Macdonald, Steve | Many Hearts, One Voice |
Mann, Jordan | Feynman's Coffee |
McGuire, Seanan | Continental Divide |
McGuire, Seanan | Evil Laugh |
McGuire, Seanan | Fly Little Bird |
McGuire, Seanan | Paper Moon |
McGuire, Seanan | Sycamore Tree |
McGuire, Seanan | The Black Death |
McQuillin, Cynthia | Ruby Wine |
Neely, Erica | Here To You |
Newman, Benjamin | Starseed (Dust on the Wind) |
Newman, Benjamin | The Highwayman |
Newman, Benjamin | Glass Half Full of the Sea |
Newman, Benjamin | Here Be Cartographers |
O'Brien, Maureen | Barrayaran Roses |
Ohi, Debbie | Homecoming |
Passovoy, Anne | Home Is Wherever |
Possible Oscar | At The Con |
Prather, Anne | Spiral Dance (aka The Song That Weaves the Ge |
Richards, Mike | Will Ye Come Back Home? |
Robinson, Dr. J. | Nessie, Come Up |
Robinson, Dr. J. | Plesiosaurnithology |
Roper, Bill | Crystal Dance |
Roper, Bill | Midnight Girl |
Roper, Bill | Teenage Popsicle Girl |
Sampson, Mich | Just Beyond |
Sampson, Mich | Pictures In The Air |
Savitsky, Steve | Paper Wings |
Scheeler, John (Boogie Knights) | Sailin' With Captain Morgan |
Shaddyr | Don't Ask, Don't Tell |
Simpson, Don | Ship of Stone |
Sloan, Kathleen | Take It Back |
Sloman, Allegra | Tapioca Song |
Smith, Tom | ConValescence |
Smith, Tom | Dead Again |
Smith, Tom | Talk Like a Pirate Day |
Tucker, S.J. | Lost Girls Pirate Academy Alma Mater |
Tucker, S.J. | What A Ninja's Gotta Do |
Turner, Jonathan | Second-Hand Songs |
Urban, Susan | Avatar |
Valtazanou, Marilisa | One Small Boat |
Van-Daele Hunt, Eva | Die Puppen (The Dolls) |
Van-Daele Hunt, Eva | Rain on Berlin |
Vixy & Tony | Thirteen |
Wittenberg, Batya | Gabriel Gray's Song |
Zieger, Darren | Vow |