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Classic Song Ideas | Best Writer/Composer Ideas
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Best Tragic Song Ideas | Best Comedy Song Ideas | Composer's Picks
Best Tragic Song Ideas | Best Comedy Song Ideas | Composer's Picks
These are the titles/attributions as they were given to us; please feel free to email us at with any corrections or duplications!
Sorted by Song Title | Sorted by Composer
Song |
Composer |
(Man of) La Mancha | Woods, Lance / Keefer, Dave / Valens, Ritchie |
A Habitrail Named Klein | Hodgetts, Blake |
A Manly Song | Alway, Peter |
Alea Iacta Est | Kinder, Sabine |
Alien Jellyfish Song | Conway, Chris |
Alien Salad Abduction | Conway, Chris |
Always a Goth Chick | Balder, Rob |
Apology | Roper, Bill & Gretchen |
Baba McDonald's | Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya |
Ballad of Captain Bravo | FilkFerret |
Castle Transylvania | Boogie Knights |
Chocolate is a Vegetable | Leathers, Graham |
Close Your Eyes | Glasser, Daniel |
Close Your Eyes (Fantastically Wrong Remix) | McGuire, Seanan / Smith, Tom |
ConValescence | Smith, Tom |
Damnit, Seanan | Lunderville, Brooke |
Dancing with Bears (parody version) | Hitchin, Jeff |
Das Uber Tuber; or, The Mystery of Mr. P | Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam |
Divine Irregularity (right title this time) | Smith, Tom |
Dragon For Sale | Newman, Ben |
Evil Eyeball | Machat, Sibylle |
Evil Laugh | McGuire, Seanan |
Exclamations | Boogie Knights |
False Alarms At Baycon | Kanefsky, Bob |
First Contact | Snyder, Scott |
Frenobulax | Alway, Peter |
Gandalf Got Molested by a Balrog | Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) |
Go Home | Sampson, Mich / Valtazanou, Marilisa |
Golden Rule | Kinder, Sabine |
Grandma's Training Bra | Gold, Lynn |
Hollywood's Ending | Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam |
I Am the Carpenter | Blind Lemming Chiffon |
I Lost My Baby On The Information Highway | Gold, Lynn |
I Meant To Do That | Faber, Cat / Hills, Callie |
I Thought She Was a Goth | Selzer, Adam |
I Want to Die (Like they Do in Sci-Fi) | Lunderville, Brooke |
If I Had the Copyright | Ulbrich, Carla |
Inner Voice | Tom Devo Spice Rockwell of Sudden Death |
Insane and the Brain | Ski, Luke / Freese, Louis / Muggerud, Lawrence / Reyes, Senen |
I've Got a Wife | Worm Quartet |
Ladies Don't Do Those Things | Escape Key |
Let's Get the Monkeys to Do It | Kwinn, Paul |
LiveJournal Shanty | Lunderville, Brooke |
Madagascar | Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) |
Manual Labour | Linsley, Karen / Landa, Lloyd |
Mir-ly Human | Hoffman, Randy |
Moaning Myrte song (Don't know the titel) | Honisch, Juliane |
My GAFilk Song | Hoffman, Randy |
New Boy Wonder | Ulbrich, Carla |
Oh, Brooke | McGuire, Seanan |
Oh, Michelle | McGuire, Seanan |
Oh, Seanan M. | Lunderville, Brooke |
Oil-Fired Stanley Price | Nyrond, Zander |
Oops | Faber, Catherine |
Operation: Desert Storm | Smith, Tom |
Or You Could Play the Banjo | Longcor, Michael, (Moonwulf), |
Perky Goth | Hoffman, W. Randy |
Plesiosaurnithology | Robinson, Dr. J. |
Re: Your Brains | Coulton, Jonathan |
Red Neck Pagan | Kirby, Larry |
Red Shirt Replications | Allcock, Phil |
Reed Turner, Novel Hero | Alper, Renee |
Resistance | Ski, Luke / Brown, Greg |
Rich me your poor | Machat, Sibylle |
Rishathra | Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam |
Shakespearian Pie | Spaff |
Sheep Marketing Ploy | Smith, Tom |
Siren Song | Dockrey, Michelle / Fabris, Tony |
Six String Love | Dockery, Michelle |
Skullcrusher Mountain | Coulton, Jonathan |
Song of Kong | Ookla the Mok |
Spoiler Alert | Smith, Tom |
Stealing Like a Hobbit | Ski, Luke / Eminem, |
STS-107 | Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam |
Super Powers | Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam |
Talk Like a Pirate Day | Smith, Tom |
Teenage Popsicle Girl | Roper, Bill |
Terror Time in Lancre | Honisch, Juliane |
The Actor | Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya |
The Ballad of Rupert | Smith, Tom |
The Fish Song | Conway, Chris |
The Inner Glow | Selzer, Adam |
The Last Hero on Earth (the entire thing) | Smith, Tom |
The Lemming and the Ecologist | Blind Lemming Chiffon |
The Mummy Shuffle | Coulson, Juanita |
The Reincarnation Song | Harrison, Howie |
The Whiskey Tango Foxtrot | Lunderville, Brooke |
The Wreck of the Crash of the Easthill Mining Disaster | Lunderville, Brooke |
These Ghoulish Things | Nyrond, Zander |
Tragedy Tonight | McGuire Seanan / Sondheim, Stephen |
Under the Kitten Beast | Wittenberg, Batya |
Universal Follower | Mills, Phillip |
We Need Hiro | Ski, Luke |
What a Woman's For | McGuire, Seanan |
You Were Right, and I was Wrong | Roper, Bill & Gretchen |
Composer |
Song |
Allcock, Phil | Red Shirt Replications |
Alper, Renee | Reed Turner, Novel Hero |
Alway, Peter | A Manly Song |
Alway, Peter | Frenobulax |
Balder, Rob | Always a Goth Chick |
Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam | Das Uber Tuber; or, The Mystery of Mr. P |
Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam | Hollywood's Ending |
Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam | Rishathra |
Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam | STS-107 |
Bellavia, Rand / English, Adam | Super Powers |
Blind Lemming Chiffon | I Am the Carpenter |
Blind Lemming Chiffon | The Lemming and the Ecologist |
Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya | Baba McDonald's |
Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya | The Actor |
Boogie Knights | Castle Transylvania |
Boogie Knights | Exclamations |
Conway, Chris | Alien Jellyfish Song |
Conway, Chris | Alien Salad Abduction |
Conway, Chris | The Fish Song |
Coulson, Juanita | The Mummy Shuffle |
Coulton, Jonathan | Re: Your Brains |
Coulton, Jonathan | Skullcrusher Mountain |
Dockery, Michelle | Six String Love |
Dockrey, Michelle / Fabris, Tony | Siren Song |
Escape Key | Ladies Don't Do Those Things |
Faber, Cat / Hills, Callie | I Meant To Do That |
Faber, Catherine | Oops |
FilkFerret | Ballad of Captain Bravo |
Glasser, Daniel | Close Your Eyes |
Gold, Lynn | Grandma's Training Bra |
Gold, Lynn | I Lost My Baby On The Information Highway |
Harrison, Howie | The Reincarnation Song |
Hitchin, Jeff | Dancing with Bears (parody version) |
Hodgetts, Blake | A Habitrail Named Klein |
Hoffman, Randy | Mir-ly Human |
Hoffman, Randy | My GAFilk Song |
Hoffman, W. Randy | Perky Goth |
Honisch, Juliane | Moaning Myrte song (Don't know the titel) |
Honisch, Juliane | Terror Time in Lancre |
Kanefsky, Bob | False Alarms At Baycon |
Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) | Gandalf Got Molested by a Balrog |
Keefer, Dave (Boogie Knights) | Madagascar |
Kinder, Sabine | Alea Iacta Est |
Kinder, Sabine | Golden Rule |
Kirby, Larry | Red Neck Pagan |
Kwinn, Paul | Let's Get the Monkeys to Do It |
Leathers, Graham | Chocolate is a Vegetable |
Linsley, Karen / Landa, Lloyd | Manual Labour |
Longcor, Michael, (Moonwulf), | Or You Could Play the Banjo |
Lunderville, Brooke | Damnit, Seanan |
Lunderville, Brooke | I Want to Die (Like they Do in Sci-Fi) |
Lunderville, Brooke | LiveJournal Shanty |
Lunderville, Brooke | Oh, Seanan M. |
Lunderville, Brooke | The Whiskey Tango Foxtrot |
Lunderville, Brooke | The Wreck of the Crash of the Easthill Mining Disaster |
Machat, Sibylle | Evil Eyeball |
Machat, Sibylle | Rich me your poor |
McGuire Seanan / Sondheim, Stephen | Tragedy Tonight |
McGuire, Seanan | Evil Laugh |
McGuire, Seanan | Oh, Brooke |
McGuire, Seanan | Oh, Michelle |
McGuire, Seanan | What a Woman's For |
McGuire, Seanan / Smith, Tom | Close Your Eyes (Fantastically Wrong Remix) |
Mills, Phillip | Universal Follower |
Newman, Ben | Dragon For Sale |
Nyrond, Zander | Oil-Fired Stanley Price |
Nyrond, Zander | These Ghoulish Things |
Ookla the Mok | Song of Kong |
Robinson, Dr. J. | Plesiosaurnithology |
Roper, Bill | Teenage Popsicle Girl |
Roper, Bill & Gretchen | Apology |
Roper, Bill & Gretchen | You Were Right, and I was Wrong |
Sampson, Mich / Valtazanou, Marilisa | Go Home |
Selzer, Adam | I Thought She Was a Goth |
Selzer, Adam | The Inner Glow |
Ski, Luke | We Need Hiro |
Ski, Luke / Brown, Greg | Resistance |
Ski, Luke / Eminem, | Stealing Like a Hobbit |
Ski, Luke / Freese, Louis / Muggerud, Lawrence / Reyes, S | Insane and the Brain |
Smith, Tom | ConValescence |
Smith, Tom | Divine Irregularity (right title this time) |
Smith, Tom | Operation: Desert Storm |
Smith, Tom | Sheep Marketing Ploy |
Smith, Tom | Spoiler Alert |
Smith, Tom | Talk Like a Pirate Day |
Smith, Tom | The Ballad of Rupert |
Smith, Tom | The Last Hero on Earth (the entire thing) |
Snyder, Scott | First Contact |
Spaff | Shakespearian Pie |
Tom Devo Spice Rockwell of Sudden Death | Inner Voice |
Ulbrich, Carla | If I Had the Copyright |
Ulbrich, Carla | New Boy Wonder |
Wittenberg, Batya | Under the Kitten Beast |
Woods, Lance / Keefer, Dave / Valens, Ritchie | (Man of) La Mancha |
Worm Quartet | I've Got a Wife |