The Pegasus Awards

2016 Brainstorming Poll: 'Best Adapted Song' Ideas

Best Filk Song Ideas | Best Classic Song Ideas | Best Writer/Composer Ideas | Best Performer Ideas
Best Adapted Song Ideas | Best Exploration Song Ideas

We solicited the opinions of filkers all over the world to compile these lists. By definition, a brainstorm is a way of generating a lot of ideas. It is important at this phase to note that what is sought is every single idea, regardless of its eligibility or accuracy.

While we do try to correct spelling, attribution, and filter out ineligible songs; but there is no guarantee that all the songs listed here are actually eligible. At the end of the day, these are the titles/attributions as they were given to us by the community at large. Should you find something we missed, please feel free to email us at pegasus at ovff dot org with any corrections.

Sorted by Song Title | Sorted by Composer

Alpha by Song Title
Acts of Parody Kanefsky, Bob
Alles in Ordnung (Mina's Song) Kovar, Silke / Nyrond, Zander
Archetype Cafe (Looking Glass Remix) McGuire, Seanan / Dockrey, Michelle
Awkward Hug Blibbering Humdingers
Baby Got Books Hines, Jim C.
Bad Moon Rising Knight, Jonah
Ballad of Apollo XIII Warren, William
Band of Brothers Theriot, Ken
Bang Today Walker/Whitaker
Be Our GoH Smith, Tom
Being Watson Kari Maaren
Body Count  Davidoff, JoEllyn
Changing My Name to Egon Cooper, Tim
Cliffs of Insanity Bellavia, Erin & Rand
Code Kanefsky, Bob
Come to Mordor Bohnhoff, Jeff
Comforts of Home Kanefsky, Bob
Crispy Danish Ross, Andrew
Cuz She's a Guy  Snyder, Scott
Cycles Horning, Jennifer
Dark Lord Funk KFaceTV
Debbie Ohi Bohnhoff, Jeff / Dockrey, Michelle
Der Phoenix C.J. Ueberall
Do You Want to Build An Iron Man? Lawrence Dean
Duet With a Klingon Carla Ulbrich
East of Eden Neely, Erica
Empty Chair Phil Allcock/Boublil & Schoenberg
Escape from Rainbow's End Mailander, Jane
Every Single Song She Sings Is Tragic Bohnhoff, Jeff
Female of the Species Fish, Leslie
Filles du Roi Dale, Heather
Fire swamp Copy Red Leader
Fire, Fire, Fire Griffin, Tim
Florida Man Ross, Andrew
Follow Me Bowman, Morva
Follow Me (Ode to Social Media) Bowman, Morva
Gashley Crumb Tinies  Churness, Emory
Go Home Sampson, Mich
God Lives On Tully Maraschiello, Bill
Happy To Be Stuck By You Ulbrich, Carla
Heart of Matter Greenberg, Bari
Herbs and Simples Keller, Martha / Coulson, Buck
Hotel Dealer Floor Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya
I Play Magic Now Snyder, Scott
I Will Follow Him a LOTR song Churness, Emory
I've Read Everything Ross, Andrew 
Infinite Series Tillman, Christine
Infinite Series Tillman, Christine
Into the Fire Dockrey, Michelle
Jack Hare Kimberley, Talis
Jeanne (german translation of Joan) Ilisch, Maja (Thesilee) / Dale, Heather
Joe Grant in Bondage Freeman, Nancy Luise
John Nyrond, Zander
Kid and the Dog Stone Dragons
Lament for the Nazgul King Gold, Lee
Large and in Charge Melanson, Devin
Little Skylark Tucker, S.J.
Maiden of Stone (translation of Das Maedchen aus Stein) Ilisch, Maja (Thesilee) / van den Boom, Britta
Making Love Weighing Nothing at All Kanefsky, Bob
Mal's Song Vixy & Tony
Meetings Allcock, Phil / Albert, Morris
Mina's song Nyrond, Zander
Modern SF Novelist  
Nearly Headless Nick Warneke, Art
Nobody's Moggy Lands Kanefsky, Bob
Not the Villain Tucker, S.J.
Only Me (a.k.a. the Ass of Legolas) Schmidt, Jela
Other Side of the River Mills, Phill
Our Fair City Jeffers, Sue
Pac-Man Devo Spice
Paper Worlds, Really Macdonald, Steve
Patiences End Eng, Cecilia
Playing D&D Tucker, S.J.
Prometheus Bernstein, Mark
Queen of Argyle Newman, Benjamin
Red Dawn Richards, Mike
Ripple's Song Rivkis, Grace
SamMal's Song Nyrond, Zander
Save Yourselves Kanefsky, Bob
Scarlet Town McManamamon, Cathy
Serious Steal Bethancourt, Joe
Six Transit Genitalia Centauri Kanefsky, Bob
Snitch Ball Wizard Macdonald, Steve
Something's Under the Bed Kanefsky, Bob
Spaceflight in Mojave Horning, Mark
Stealing the Sky Mills, Phil
Stray Dog Strut Crowell, Dr. Mary
Sulu's Lament Hanak, Gary
Take It Back Sloan, Kathleen
Tam Lin Tucker, S.J.
Tea at Four Mills, Phil
The Ballad of Jones the Cat Brinegar, Keith / White Plectrum
The Comforts of Home Kanefsky, Bob
The Healer's War Hayman, Judith
The Old Ones Nyrond, Zander
The Other Side of the River Mills, Phil
The Zero Gee Polka Duntemann, Jeff
TIE After TIE Debs & Errol
Time Does Betray Mills, Phil
Timelord Shuffle Bohnhoff, Jeff
Too Much Sugar (Sugared Toddler) Roper, Bill & Gretchen
Undead Nyrond, Zander
Velveteen Mar, Kathy
Veronika, die Borg sind da Van Daele-Hunt, Eva 
Waist Deep in the Big Money Ross, Andrew
When I Grow Up Dr. Mary Crowell
When We Come Out of the Stargate Birt, Danny
Who's That Squirrel? Bohnhoff, Maya
Wights in Night Satin Williams, Tricia
Willow Wisp Tanger, Volker
Windward Savitzky, Steve
Winterfell Leikomaa, Marianna
With Elf-like Tread Weingart, Dave
Without Paws Kanefsky, Bob
Wolflove Honisch, Ju / Droege-Macdonald, Katy

Alpha by Composer
Modern SF Novelist  
Meetings Allcock, Phil / Albert, Morris
Cliffs of Insanity Bellavia, Erin & Rand
Prometheus Bernstein, Mark
Serious Steal Bethancourt, Joe
When We Come Out of the Stargate Birt, Danny
Awkward Hug Blibbering Humdingers
Come to Mordor Bohnhoff, Jeff
Every Single Song She Sings Is Tragic Bohnhoff, Jeff
Timelord Shuffle Bohnhoff, Jeff
Debbie Ohi Bohnhoff, Jeff / Dockrey, Michelle
Hotel Dealer Floor Bohnhoff, Jeff & Maya
Who's That Squirrel? Bohnhoff, Maya
Follow Me Bowman, Morva
Follow Me (Ode to Social Media) Bowman, Morva
The Ballad of Jones the Cat Brinegar, Keith / White Plectrum
Der Phoenix C.J. Ueberall
Duet With a Klingon Carla Ulbrich
Gashley Crumb Tinies  Churness, Emory
I Will Follow Him a LOTR song Churness, Emory
Changing My Name to Egon Cooper, Tim
Fire swamp Copy Red Leader
Stray Dog Strut Crowell, Dr. Mary
Filles du Roi Dale, Heather
Body Count  Davidoff, JoEllyn
TIE After TIE Debs & Errol
Pac-Man Devo Spice
Into the Fire Dockrey, Michelle
When I Grow Up Dr. Mary Crowell
The Zero Gee Polka Duntemann, Jeff
Patiences End Eng, Cecilia
Female of the Species Fish, Leslie
Joe Grant in Bondage Freeman, Nancy Luise
Lament for the Nazgul King Gold, Lee
Heart of Matter Greenberg, Bari
Fire, Fire, Fire Griffin, Tim
Sulu's Lament Hanak, Gary
The Healer's War Hayman, Judith
Baby Got Books Hines, Jim C.
Wolflove Honisch, Ju / Droege-Macdonald, Katy
Cycles Horning, Jennifer
Spaceflight in Mojave Horning, Mark
Jeanne (german translation of Joan) Ilisch, Maja (Thesilee) / Dale, Heather
Maiden of Stone (translation of Das Maedchen aus Stein) Ilisch, Maja (Thesilee) / van den Boom, Britta
Our Fair City Jeffers, Sue
Acts of Parody Kanefsky, Bob
Code Kanefsky, Bob
Comforts of Home Kanefsky, Bob
Making Love Weighing Nothing at All Kanefsky, Bob
Nobody's Moggy Lands Kanefsky, Bob
Save Yourselves Kanefsky, Bob
Six Transit Genitalia Centauri Kanefsky, Bob
Something's Under the Bed Kanefsky, Bob
The Comforts of Home Kanefsky, Bob
Without Paws Kanefsky, Bob
Being Watson Kari Maaren
Herbs and Simples Keller, Martha / Coulson, Buck
Dark Lord Funk KFaceTV
Jack Hare Kimberley, Talis
Bad Moon Rising Knight, Jonah
Alles in Ordnung (Mina's Song) Kovar, Silke / Nyrond, Zander
Do You Want to Build An Iron Man? Lawrence Dean
Winterfell Leikomaa, Marianna
Paper Worlds, Really Macdonald, Steve
Snitch Ball Wizard Macdonald, Steve
Escape from Rainbow's End Mailander, Jane
Velveteen Mar, Kathy
God Lives On Tully Maraschiello, Bill
Archetype Cafe (Looking Glass Remix) McGuire, Seanan / Dockrey, Michelle
Scarlet Town McManamamon, Cathy
Large and in Charge Melanson, Devin
Stealing the Sky Mills, Phil
Tea at Four Mills, Phil
The Other Side of the River Mills, Phil
Time Does Betray Mills, Phil
Other Side of the River Mills, Phill
East of Eden Neely, Erica
Queen of Argyle Newman, Benjamin
John Nyrond, Zander
Mina's song Nyrond, Zander
SamMal's Song Nyrond, Zander
The Old Ones Nyrond, Zander
Undead Nyrond, Zander
Empty Chair Phil Allcock/Boublil & Schoenberg
Red Dawn Richards, Mike
Ripple's Song Rivkis, Grace
Too Much Sugar (Sugared Toddler) Roper, Bill & Gretchen
Crispy Danish Ross, Andrew
Florida Man Ross, Andrew
Waist Deep in the Big Money Ross, Andrew
I've Read Everything Ross, Andrew 
Go Home Sampson, Mich
Windward Savitzky, Steve
Only Me (a.k.a. the Ass of Legolas) Schmidt, Jela
Take It Back Sloan, Kathleen
Be Our GoH Smith, Tom
Cuz She's a Guy  Snyder, Scott
I Play Magic Now Snyder, Scott
Kid and the Dog Stone Dragons
Willow Wisp Tanger, Volker
Band of Brothers Theriot, Ken
Infinite Series Tillman, Christine
Infinite Series Tillman, Christine
Little Skylark Tucker, S.J.
Not the Villain Tucker, S.J.
Playing D&D Tucker, S.J.
Tam Lin Tucker, S.J.
Happy To Be Stuck By You Ulbrich, Carla
Veronika, die Borg sind da Van Daele-Hunt, Eva 
Mal's Song Vixy & Tony
Bang Today Walker/Whitaker
Nearly Headless Nick Warneke, Art
Ballad of Apollo XIII Warren, William
With Elf-like Tread Weingart, Dave
Wights in Night Satin Williams, Tricia


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