The Pegasus Awards

2024 Pegasus Final Ballot

for excellence in filking

Please select only one song or artist per category.

Worldwide voting is open until 11:59pm Pacific time on Thursday, October 24, 2024.

You may only submit one Final Ballot. Should you submit more than one Ballot, only the most recent one will be counted.

We strongly encourage you to distribute the link to this ballot as widely as possible within the filk community. The link to this page is: You must be a member of the filk community to vote.

We would especially like to thank Mark Peters and all the artists for their kind support and permission to use their copyrighted recordings.

Lastly, we dedicate the accuracy of the data on this website to the memory of Harold Stein, who over the years acted as our fact checker and proofreader. He is sorely missed.

Thank you for your participation in the 2024 Pegasus Awards!!

*Email Address:

* Required fields. OVFF will not sell or release your email address under any circumstances. We only require it in case we have questions regarding your submission. If for some reason this format doesn't work for you, please contact OVFF and we'll create your personal exception form.

Best Filk Song
Fight Like A Girl - Erin & Rand Bellavia Listen!
I am I - Eva Van Daele-Hunt Listen!
My Dandelion Friend - Summer Russell Listen!
Our Kind of Strange - Jen & Eric Distad Listen!
Phoebe the Fierce - Cat Faber Listen!
Best Classic Filk Song
Being Watson - Kari Maaren Listen!
Flowers for Algernon - Kathy Mar Listen!
Merry Meet - Steve Macdonald Listen!
One Small Boat - Marilisa Valtazanou Listen!
Vor - Bill Sutton Listen!
Best Performer
The Blibbering Humdingers Listen!
Vanessa Cardui Listen!
Dave Clement Listen!
Sunnie Larsen Listen!
Pair 'O Dice Listen!
Best Writer/Composer
Peter Alway Listen!
Eric Distad Listen!
Beth Kinderman Listen!
John McDaid Listen!
Cathy McManamon Listen!
Best Magic Song
Like Their Feet Have Wings - Gwen Knighton Raftery Listen!
Necronomicon - Zander Nyrond Listen!
The Prophecy Hotline - Kari Maaren Listen!
Water - Cathy McManamon Listen!
Wings - Cat Faber Listen!
Best Risque Song
Legolas - Dr. Mary Crowell Listen!
Nathan Fillion (Please Take Off Your Pants) - The PDX Broadsides Listen!
Passion Flower - Cecilia Eng Listen!
Sex and Chocolate - Jodi Krangle & Debbie Ridpath Ohi Listen!
When I Was A Boy (The Dirty Version) - Michael Longcor Listen!


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