The Pegasus Awards

2023 Brainstorming Poll: Best Filk Song Ideas

Best Filk Song Ideas | Best Classic Song Ideas | Best Writer/Composer Ideas | Best Performer Ideas
Best Adapted Song Ideas | Best Science Song Ideas

We solicited the opinions of filkers all over the world to compile these lists. By definition, a brainstorm is a way of generating a lot of ideas. It is important at this phase to note that what is sought is every single idea, regardless of its eligibility or accuracy.

While we do try to correct spelling, attribution, and filter out ineligible songs; there is no guarantee that all the songs listed here are actually eligible. At the end of the day, these are the titles/attributions as they were given to us by the community at large. Should you find something we missed, please feel free to email us at pegasus at ovff dot org with any corrections.

Sorted by Song Title | Sorted by Composer

Alpha by Song Title
45 Philosophers Griffin, Tim
A Most Festive Time Gold, Gabrielle
Alien Phone Invasion Conway, Chris
Army Boots Baylor, Robin
Astrid Midkiff, Jen
Beast is Best Eng, Cecilia
Being Watson Maaren, Kari
Believe (I Believe in You) Alway, Peter
Bella Citronella Helland, Scott
Boxes McNally, Amy
Bright Magic Ferraro, Carol
Buffalo The PDX Broadsides 
Charles Chiffon, Blind Lemming
Cheese Rolling Time Gold, Gabrielle
Cherrystone Princess McGuire, Seanan
Chess (Ad Astra) Coulson, Juanita & Buck
Children of the Dark Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
Colin Macdonald, Steve
Come to Mordor Bohnhoff, Jeff
Come with Me Maaren, Kari
Courage, Dear Heart Russell, Summer
Cylinder Becomes Unicorn Rhiannon's Lark 
Darkness Kare, Jordin
Dead Hobbit Roberts, Madison "Metricula"
Don't Take Crap from Machinery Kirby, Larry
Dreams of Tungsten Horning, Mark
Dryad's Promise Kinney, Betsy
Empty Hands Ferraro, Carol
Eternal Sea Gold, Gabrielle
Every Inch of This Thread Newman, Ben
Fact Fiction Rogow, Roberta
Fight Like a Girl Via Bella 
Fighting the Black Thing Via Bella 
Fire Eater Charming Disaster
First Flight Dean, Lawrence
Following Our Dreams Dean, Lawrence
Future Me Beckwith, Robert
Gabriel Gray's Song Wittenberg, Batya
Galehaut Valtazanou, Marilisa
Gwen's Lullaby for Ygrena Knighton, Gwen
Heart of Brass Charming Disaster
Hearthfire Palmer, Ada
Helium Miner's Song Preston, Heather
Hello, Friend! Parker, Chuck
Helva's Song (The Ship Who Sang) Eng, Cecilia
Hey Freeboard Linsley, Karen
Hey There Cthulhu Brooks, Eben
Hey Treebeard Linsley, Karen
Home to FilKONtario Ohi, Debbie Ridpath
Horses of Air McQuillin, Cynthia
I am I Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
I Had a Shoggoth Smith, Tom
I Never See The Rain Hanak, Gary
I Will Remember Faber, Cat
Illusion of the heart Letterman, Barisha
Infinite Possibilities Eng, Cecilia
Izboushka, Izboushka! Adams, Alexander James
Judgement Day Nyrond, Zander
Just Beyond Sampson, Mich
Labyrinth of Shadows Dean, Lawrence
Lacey's Kitchen Harrison, Howard
Let the Wild Rumpus Start PDX Broadsides 
Little Dreamer Russell, Summer
Love Song For a Friend Knighton, Gwen
Lux Anima Russell, Summer
Maggot Cooney, C.S.E. (aka Brimstone Rhine)
Magical Rooms Conway, Chris
Math Rocks Faber, Cat
Meat Shield Griffin, Tim
Merry Meet Macdonald, Steve
Morgaine Greenberg, Cat
Morning Star Gold, Gabrielle
My Dandelion Friend Russell, Summer
My Internet's Unstable Eng, Cecilia
My Planet's Child Faber, Cat
Narluga Love Eng, Cecilia
Nasty Via Bella 
Never Lose Hope Adams, Alexander James
New Moon Burnside-Clapp, Mitchell
New Spock MacKay, Char
Not an Open Book Midkiff, Jen
Not the Chosen One Mason, Mikey
Not Today Rhiannon's Lark
Omega 13 The Faithful Sidekicks 
One Small Boat Valtazanou, Marilisa
One With the Force The Faithful Sidekicks 
Only Game in Town Horning, Mark
Oppy, Wake Up Richards, Mike
Orion Burnside Clapp, TJ
Our Fair City Stone Dragons 
Our Kind of Strange Distad, Eric
Paint Myself Trying Oxford, Lauren
Paper Moon McGuire, Seanan
Passion Flower Eng, Cecilia
Persephone Cheshire Moon 
Phoebe the Fierce Faber, Cat
Phosphorescent Lilies Charming Disaster
Poisoned Apples Neill, Don
Pure of Heart Estelme, Heather
Radium Girls Charming Disaster
Refusal of the Call Kinderman, Beth
Requiem Parker, Frank
Rhyme and Reason Eng, Cecilia
Runaway Party Pony Russell, Summer
Sarah Jane's Torch Song Greenberg, Cat / Hanak, Gary
Secret of the Festival of the Sand Castles Newman, Ben
Sedna Dale, Heather
Send Him Home Faber, Cat
Sense of Wonder Greenberg, Cat and Bari
Small Designs Childs-Helton, Barry
Soaring Still Oxford, Lauren
Spirals in Your Eyes Alway, Peter
Spoons Distad, Eric
Starsoul Krangle, Jodi
Strange Messenger Dockrey, Michelle (Vixy)
Take It Back Sloan, Kathleen
Taking You out to See the Stars Rinehart, Gray
Tea at Four Mills, Phil
Tell Julia Faber, Cat
Terra Nova Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
That Hat Makes You Look Like an Idiot Cardui, Vanessa
The boy and the dog are with me Stone Dragons 
The Broken Goddess Freeman, Nancy Louise
The Deep is Lonesome Bretscher, Luke
The Father Wound Russell, Summer
The First Woman on the Moon Chiffon, Blind Lemming
The Golden Door Faber, Cat
The Hag McManamon, Cathy
The One That Got Erased Dockrey, Michelle (Vixy)
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas McNally, Amy
The Story of Phoebe Faber, Cat
The Sunken Land of R'lyeh Laubenheimer, Bill
Timelord Blues Glass, Brett
To Touch a Star Macdonald, Steve
Tree of Forgiveness Faber, Cat
Twilight Starlight Midkiff, Jen
Valkyrie Daughter Tucker, S. J.
Vow Zieger, Darren
Water McManamon, Cathy
Welcome to Eden Hudson, Leslie
What Rings True Oxford, Lauren
Wicked Girls McGuire, Seanan
Wild Magic The Unusual Suspects 
Window on Time Linsley, Karen
Wings of Fire Horning, Mark
Wonder Conway, Chris

Alpha by Composer
Izboushka, Izboushka! Adams, Alexander James
Never Lose Hope Adams, Alexander James
Believe (I Believe in You) Alway, Peter
Spirals in Your Eyes Alway, Peter
Army Boots Baylor, Robin
Future Me Beckwith, Robert
Come to Mordor Bohnhoff, Jeff
The Deep is Lonesome Bretscher, Luke
Hey There Cthulhu Brooks, Eben
Orion Burnside Clapp, TJ
New Moon Burnside-Clapp, Mitchell
That Hat Makes You Look Like an Idiot Cardui, Vanessa
Fire Eater Charming Disaster
Heart of Brass Charming Disaster
Phosphorescent Lilies Charming Disaster
Radium Girls Charming Disaster
Persephone Cheshire Moon 
Charles Chiffon, Blind Lemming
The First Woman on the Moon Chiffon, Blind Lemming
Small Designs Childs-Helton, Barry
Alien Phone Invasion Conway, Chris
Magical Rooms Conway, Chris
Wonder Conway, Chris
Maggot Cooney, C.S.E. (aka Brimstone Rhine)
Chess (Ad Astra) Coulson, Juanita & Buck
Sedna Dale, Heather
First Flight Dean, Lawrence
Following Our Dreams Dean, Lawrence
Labyrinth of Shadows Dean, Lawrence
Our Kind of Strange Distad, Eric
Spoons Distad, Eric
Strange Messenger Dockrey, Michelle (Vixy)
The One That Got Erased Dockrey, Michelle (Vixy)
Beast is Best Eng, Cecilia
Helva's Song (The Ship Who Sang) Eng, Cecilia
Infinite Possibilities Eng, Cecilia
My Internet's Unstable Eng, Cecilia
Narluga Love Eng, Cecilia
Passion Flower Eng, Cecilia
Rhyme and Reason Eng, Cecilia
Pure of Heart Estelme, Heather
I Will Remember Faber, Cat
Math Rocks Faber, Cat
My Planet's Child Faber, Cat
Phoebe the Fierce Faber, Cat
Send Him Home Faber, Cat
Tell Julia Faber, Cat
The Golden Door Faber, Cat
The Story of Phoebe Faber, Cat
Tree of Forgiveness Faber, Cat
Bright Magic Ferraro, Carol
Empty Hands Ferraro, Carol
The Broken Goddess Freeman, Nancy Louise
Timelord Blues Glass, Brett
A Most Festive Time Gold, Gabrielle
Cheese Rolling Time Gold, Gabrielle
Eternal Sea Gold, Gabrielle
Morning Star Gold, Gabrielle
Morgaine Greenberg, Cat
Sarah Jane's Torch Song Greenberg, Cat / Hanak, Gary
Sense of Wonder Greenberg, Cat and Bari
45 Philosophers Griffin, Tim
Meat Shield Griffin, Tim
I Never See The Rain Hanak, Gary
Lacey's Kitchen Harrison, Howard
Bella Citronella Helland, Scott
Dreams of Tungsten Horning, Mark
Only Game in Town Horning, Mark
Wings of Fire Horning, Mark
Welcome to Eden Hudson, Leslie
Darkness Kare, Jordin
Refusal of the Call Kinderman, Beth
Dryad's Promise Kinney, Betsy
Don't Take Crap from Machinery Kirby, Larry
Gwen's Lullaby for Ygrena Knighton, Gwen
Love Song For a Friend Knighton, Gwen
Starsoul Krangle, Jodi
The Sunken Land of R'lyeh Laubenheimer, Bill
Illusion of the heart Letterman, Barisha
Hey Freeboard Linsley, Karen
Hey Treebeard Linsley, Karen
Window on Time Linsley, Karen
Being Watson Maaren, Kari
Come with Me Maaren, Kari
Colin Macdonald, Steve
Merry Meet Macdonald, Steve
To Touch a Star Macdonald, Steve
New Spock MacKay, Char
Not the Chosen One Mason, Mikey
Cherrystone Princess McGuire, Seanan
Paper Moon McGuire, Seanan
Wicked Girls McGuire, Seanan
The Hag McManamon, Cathy
Water McManamon, Cathy
Boxes McNally, Amy
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas McNally, Amy
Horses of Air McQuillin, Cynthia
Astrid Midkiff, Jen
Not an Open Book Midkiff, Jen
Twilight Starlight Midkiff, Jen
Tea at Four Mills, Phil
Poisoned Apples Neill, Don
Every Inch of This Thread Newman, Ben
Secret of the Festival of the Sand Castles Newman, Ben
Judgement Day Nyrond, Zander
Home to FilKONtario Ohi, Debbie Ridpath
Paint Myself Trying Oxford, Lauren
Soaring Still Oxford, Lauren
What Rings True Oxford, Lauren
Hearthfire Palmer, Ada
Hello, Friend! Parker, Chuck
Requiem Parker, Frank
Let the Wild Rumpus Start PDX Broadsides 
Helium Miner's Song Preston, Heather
Not Today Rhiannon's Lark
Cylinder Becomes Unicorn Rhiannon's Lark 
Oppy, Wake Up Richards, Mike
Taking You out to See the Stars Rinehart, Gray
Dead Hobbit Roberts, Madison "Metricula"
Fact Fiction Rogow, Roberta
Courage, Dear Heart Russell, Summer
Little Dreamer Russell, Summer
Lux Anima Russell, Summer
My Dandelion Friend Russell, Summer
Runaway Party Pony Russell, Summer
The Father Wound Russell, Summer
Just Beyond Sampson, Mich
Take It Back Sloan, Kathleen
I Had a Shoggoth Smith, Tom
Our Fair City Stone Dragons 
The boy and the dog are with me Stone Dragons 
Omega 13 The Faithful Sidekicks 
One With the Force The Faithful Sidekicks 
Buffalo The PDX Broadsides 
Wild Magic The Unusual Suspects 
Valkyrie Daughter Tucker, S. J.
Galehaut Valtazanou, Marilisa
One Small Boat Valtazanou, Marilisa
Children of the Dark Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
I am I Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
Terra Nova Van Daele-Hunt, Eva
Fight Like a Girl Via Bella 
Fighting the Black Thing Via Bella 
Nasty Via Bella 
Gabriel Gray's Song Wittenberg, Batya
Vow Zieger, Darren


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