The Pegasus Awards

2003 Nominees


Best Filk Song
A Thousand Ships Katy Dröge and Juliane Honisch
Brother Michael's Song Mac Carson
The Lady Jodi Krangle
Shooting Star Michael Longcor
Uplift Andrew Eigel
Best Classic Filk Song
Banned From Argo Leslie Fish
Best Performer
Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff
Clam Chowder
Mary Crowell
Dandelion Wine
Mich Sampson
Best Writer/Composer
Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff
Terence Chua
Chris Conway
Cat Faber
Gwen Knighton
Best Parody
A SMOF Too Blue Dave Weingart
Bang Today Tim and Annie Walker, Mike and Anne Whitaker
Do You Hear The Pipes, Cthulhu? Terence Chua
Heart of the Apple Lisa Jordin Kare
Knight's In White Satin Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff
Best Original Humorous Song
Alien Salad Abduction Chris Conway
Asteroid Named Rest Stop Julia Ecklar / Leslie Fish
My Husband, the Filker Bill and Gretchen Roper
Stray Dog Man Bill Sutton
Terror Time In Lancre Juliane Honisch


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